Umrl je MATEJ HORVAT iz ŽALCA, Bevkova 12. Pogreb bo v PETEK, 17.3.2023, ob 13. uri na pokopališču v ŽALCU.
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Umrl je MATEJ HORVAT iz ŽALCA, Bevkova 12. Pogreb bo v PETEK, 17.3.2023, ob 13. uri na pokopališču v ŽALCU.
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It’s always sad to hear about someone’s passing, and my condolences go out to the family and friends of Matej Horvat. It’s important to take the time to remember those who have passed and honor their memory. I’m curious, though, about the significance of including the funeral details in this blog post. Is it to inform the community and invite people to pay their respects, or is there another reason for sharing this information? Grief is a complex emotion and everyone processes it differently, so I hope that those who knew Matej can find comfort and support during this difficult time.
Iskreno sožalje vsem. Matej, počivaj v miru.
Iskreno sožalje družina doberšek
Vsem svojcem izrekamo iskreno sožalje!
družina Milić
Počivaj v miru. Naj ti bo lahka zemlja.
Matej, vsa vprašanja in odgovori so s tabo v tišini, kjer si naşel svoj mir. Počivaj… Globoko sočustvujem z mamo Marijo. Jožica Ocvirk
Počivaj v miru.
Vsem svojcem pa izrekam iskreno sožalje.